All you need to know about PSA labelstock constructions

All you need to know about PSA labelstock constructions
Topcoat on facestock is extremely important for some printing technologies to achieve better ink anchorage.
The choice of Facestock depends on the requirements of the application as well as costing consideration. It is also a useful tool to bring out your brand’s image.
We choose facestocks with Primer mainly for our removable adhesive products construction.
The Adhesive is what bonds your label to your article’s surface. Yenom’s expertise in pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) can bring you a rich selection of permanent, removable & repositionable adhesives. Our adhesive platform includes emulsion acrylic, hotmelt rubber & hotmelt UV acrylic.
The function of Release is to prevent the label adhesive from permanently sticking to the liner, allowing easy peel-off. The majority of our liners are with silicone release, but we do carry silicone-free liners for hard disk manufacturing.
Release Liners are the carrier of the labels. They protect the adhesive and facestock during transportation, storage, converting, printing, etc.
Contact us for more details.